Design patents
Access control system
Utility model patents
Device for separation of ions in gases
Device for calibrating and checking the operability of detectors of traces of volatile substances
Device for detecting traces of controlled substances in fingerprints
Filter container for cleaning solutions from radionuclides
Patents for invention
Method of cementing liquid radioactive waste and a device for its implementation
Method of processing low- and medium-mineralized low-level liquid waste
Method of neutralization of the low-mineralized and medium- mineralized low-active liquid wastes in the field conditions
Method for checking primary-circuit equipment of shipboard water-cooled nuclear power plant for tightness in the course of hydraulic tests
Mode of detection of trace quantities of low-volatile substances on the fingers of the arms
Method for case-hardening radioactive waste in container
Impulse-current based imitator of nuclear reactor kinetics
Ion mobility spectrometer
Method of noise diagnostics of reactors with water under pressure
Method of deactivation of interior surfaces of nuclear reactor equipment
Device for residue low-volatile substance detection on fingers
Method of reprocessing of liquid radioactive waste of nuclear power plant
Method of chemical deactivation of nuclear power plants equipment
Method of chemical decontamination of nuclear power plant equipment
Method of chemical decontamination of nuclear power plant equipment
Method of treating liquid radioactive wastes of atomic power stations (versions)
Leak resistance inspection apparatus for fuel element enclosures
Method of steam and gas generators control tightness of ship nuclear engine installation with water heat transfer medium under pressure
Method of reprocessing radioactive ion-exchange resin
Method of simulating nuclear reactor reactivity
High gradient magnetic filter
Method of buring solid radioactive wastes in near-surface mortuaries
Method for calibration of ionomers and device for its realisation
Method of processing liquid radioactive wastes (lrw)
Method of calibrating counting channel of reactimetre
Method of processing radioactive ion-exchange resins and industrial toxic liquid wastes
Method of obtaining desalinated water and high-purity water for nuclear power plants for research centres
Reactimetre adjustment method
Method for monitoring of nuclear reactor control rod position
Procedure for neutralisation of low mineralised low-activity waste under field conditions
Method of imitating signal of nuclear reactor ionisation chamber
Method of making sorbent for purifying water from radioactive strontium
Method of decontaminating toxic industrial wastes
Method for complex monitoring people on check points
Method of cleaning and decontamination of equipment on nuclear power plants (versions)
Method of processing phosphogypsum
System for fingerprint personal identification and gas analysis detection of trace amounts of substances on person’s fingers at check points
Radioactive waste processing method
Method of cementing spent radioactive selective sorbents in container in field conditions
Method of decontaminating low-mineralised low-activity wastes in field conditions
Method of processing radioactive ion-exchange resins
Method of producing sorbent to remove iodine radioniuclides and/or its organic compounds
Electric spark machining of metals
Method of separating and detecting ions in gas
Processing method of low-mineralised liquid radioactive wastes
Method to process low- and medium-mineralised low-active fluid radioactive wastes in field conditions
Method of detection and identifying of chemical substances in the mixture by their characteristics
Apparatus for simultaneous separation of positive and negative ions
Method of determining specific activity of radionuclides in low-activity and waste mineralised water
Method for density control of nuclear reactor neutron flux
Method of producing desalinated water and high-purity water for nuclear power units for scientific centres
Method to maintain water-chemical mode of nuclear power plant
Method to measure coolant flow in primary circuit of nuclear reactor and device for its realisation
Method of separating and detecting ions in gas
Method for processing solid mixed radioactive wastes
Method to identify established nuclear reactor period
Measuring method of heat carrier flow rate of first circuit of nuclear reactor
Method for removing transition metals and radionuclides from solutions containing complexing agent
Method of cleaning and decontaminating reactor circuit equipment with liquid-metal lead-bismuth heat carrier
Cleaning and deactivation method of reactor plant equipment with liquidmetal lead-bismuth heat carrier
Method of determinining total volumetric activity of radiation contaminated fresh water
Method to decontaminate radioactive organic wastes
Method for obtaining demineralised water and high-purity water for nuclear power plants of research centres
Method of decontaminating toxic industrial wastes
Method to neutralise mineralised waste waters of nuclear and thermal power plants
Bipolar ionisation source
Method of separating and detecting ions in gas (versions)
Remote radiation monitoring system
Device for electrochemical deoxygenation of highly pure water
Method of controlling uranium content in process media of nuclear power plants
Silicon compound-based heat carrier
Neutralisation method of liquid radioactive wastes of nuclear power plants contaminated with oil products, corrosion products and synthetic surface active substances in field
Method for automatic measurement of radionuclide activity in gaseous media and apparatus for realising said method
Method of determining optimal parameters of dissolution of oxides of transition metals in solutions, containing complexing agent
Method for cyclic ion separation and detection in gases (versions)
Method of determining dynamic sorption capacity of complex forming ionites by ions of transition metals
Method of determining nominal amplitude of spectrometric pulses
Method of calibration of neutron flow density measurement channels intended for measurement of flowrate of heat carrier of first contour of nuclear reactor
Method of calibration of counting channel of reactimeter
Method of immobilising strontium-caesium fraction of highly active wastes by incorporation into geo-ceramic matrices
Method of control of group of electromagnetic mechanisms, mainly shutdown valves and device for its implementation
Method of determining volumetric alpha-activity of plutonium in process media of nuclear power plants
Method of nuclear reactor reactivity signal imitation
High-gradient magnetic filter
Composite filtering material for water medium treatment
Method of inspection of the fuel collision of the shells of fuels of the worked heat-fuel assembly of transport nuclear energy installations
Method of controlling subcriticality swimming pools of spent nuclear fuel storage facility
Nuclear fuel manufacturing method
Method of calibration counting channel of reactometer in pulse-current mode
Method for processing low-mineralized medium- and low-active liquid radioactive wastes
Method for complex control of radionuclides in emissions of nuclear power plants
Device for localization of corium of nuclear reactor of pressurized water type
Method of processing low-and medium-mineralized low-level liquid radioactive wastes
Method of sampling and diluting a sample of a liquid radioactive medium and an apparatus for realizing said method
Reactivity calibrator verification method
Highly gradient magnetic filter with a rigid matrix
Device for reproduction and transmission of units of mass concentration of gases in liquid media
Method of determining thermal conductivity of corium crust
Method for controlling the cartilage of a neutron stream
Method for determination of volumetric activity of radionuclides of fission products and activated corrosion products in primary circuit water coolant
Method of calibration of the reactimeter count channel
System remote radiation monitoring
State Registration Certificates for computer programs
Software package “Integral thermal hydraulic computer code KORSAR/В1.1” (RC KORSAR/В1.1)
Software package “Integral thermal hydraulic computer code KORSAR /В2” (RC KORSAR /В2)
Software package “Integral thermal hydraulic computer code KORSAR/В3” (RC KORSAR /В3)
Software package “Integral thermohydraulic computer code of improved evaluation KORSAR/GP”
SAPFIR_95.1 code with the library of constants BNAB-78/С-95
SAPFIR_95&RC_VVER program
Software package “Automated system of scientific research (ASNI) Odyssey-M”
TERMIT system
Software package “Automated control system for the preparation of storage packages for dry storage”
Multifunctional Display Editor
PANDA software package for uncertainty analysis of calculated data
Program for graphical display and express analysis of numerical and field experiment results KMPlot
OSK: mapping and comparison of cartograms
Software complex “Automated radiation control system” of the 3rd block Beloyarsk NPP
KRATOS package
Database registration certificates
Database of experimental data for verification of CF-codes obtained from the results of studies at the “3D” stand