Outlook of district heating nuclear power plants in Russia
A.Ya. Blagoveshchensky, L.B. Gusev
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 13-20
V.G. Artemov, A.S. Ivanov, P.A. Miheyev, N.S. Nersesian
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 29-39
Yu.V. Yudov, S.N. Rumyantsev, S.S. Chepilko, D.S. Kasterin
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 40-53
V.I. Almjashev, V.V. Gusarov, V.B.Khabensky
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 80-97
Yu.V. Yudov, S.N. Rumyantsev, S.S. Chepilko
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №3(21), pp. 32-41
V.А. Vasilenko, V.N. Epimahov, I.V. Miroshnichenko, О.Yu. Pyhteev
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №3(21), pp. 42-52
Study of fission products release from corium melt
S.V. Bechta, E.V. Krushinov, S.A. Vitol, V.B. Khabensky, S.Yu. Kotova, A.A. Sulatsky, V.I. Almjashev, V.V. Gusarov, V.V. Bezlepkin
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 54-73
Implementation stages of natural circulation for cooling down naval reactor plants
A.Ya. Blagoveshchensky, L.B. Gusev
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 9-18
Simulation of control rod worth experiments on a fast critical assembly facility
V.G. Artemov, L.M. Artemova, R.E. Zinatullin, A.S. Karpov, N.S. Nersesian
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 27-40
A.S. Gritsai
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 41-53
R.V. Fomenkov, A.V. Piskaryov, A.S. Ivanov, V.A. Nagishev, S.G. Mysik
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 54-64
Boundary conditions in surface harmonics method
A.V. Elshin
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 14-25
Yu.V. Yudov, S.N. Rumyantsev, S.S. Chepilko
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 26-41
A.M. Alyoshin, A.A. Afanasyev, A.A. Zmitrodan
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 42-54
V.I. Almjashev, V.B.Khabensky, E.V.Krushinov, S.A.Vitol, A.A. Sulatsky, E.V. Shevchenko
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 69-89
Yu.V. Yudov, I.G. Petkevich, V.G. Artemov, D.S. Kasterin, S.N. Rumуantsev
Thermal engineering, 2019, №11, pp. 91-101
Yu.V. Yudov, I.G. Petkevich, V.G. Artemov
Thermal engineering, 2019, №12, pp. 97-104
A. S. Gritsai, Yu.A. Migrov
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 9-20
A. S. Gritsai, Yu.A. Migrov
Thermal engineering, 2019, №5, pp. 25-31
V. K. Efimov, T. B. Malikov, Yu. A. Migrov, M. O. Potapkin, V. N. Simonov
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 18-25
Compilation of 1D and 3D thermal-hydraulic models in KORSAR/CFD computation code
Yu. V. Yudov, I. G. Danilov, S. S. Chepilko, D. S. Kasterin
Mathematical simulation of physical processes, 2019, №1, pp. 57-68
Methodology for creating diagnostic systems in nuclear industry
A. M. Pankin
Engineering and automation problems, 2019, №1, pp. 133-138
Numerical simulation of differential control rod worth measurements
V. G. Artemov, D. Yu. Bessonov, D. N. Zhukovsky
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 9-16
Influence of structural materials on thermal destruction of organosilicon coolant (FM 1 liquid)
I. M. Yasnev, V. S. Gurskiy
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №1(15), pp. 56-65
From rapid radiochemical analysis towards on-board LRW treatment technologies
V. N. Epimahov, L. N. Moskvin
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 63-79
Development of ion chromatography method for analysis of coolant water in nuclear power facilities
L. N. Moskvin, V. S. Gursky
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 71-76
Results of studies and life test of Russian-made monodisperse nuclear-grade ionites
A. V. Zhizhin, I. N. Zakolodnyi, A. A. Zmitrodan, S. N. Orlov, Yu. V. Tsapko, A. V. Luzakov, D. S. Urtenov, G. P. Shovikov, K. A. Vagin
Atomic energy, 2019, vol. 126, №2, pp. 87-91
N. Ya. Vilkov, S. V. Blinov, А. А. Petuhov, А. V. Zhizhin
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 34-49
S. N. Orlov, А. А. Zmitrodan
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 26-33
High gradient magnetic filters for separation of corrosion products from coolant water
B. A. Gusev, L. N. Moskvin
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 66-80
A. M. Aleshin, A. A. Zmitrodan, V. V. Krivobokov
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 34-49
E. B. Pankina, M. P. Glukhova
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 50-65
A. A. Sulatsky, V. B. Khabensky, V. S. Granovsky, V. I. Almjashev, E. V. Krushinov, E. V. Shevchenko, S. A. Vitol, S. Yu. Kotova, E. K. Kalyago, Е.Б. Шуваева, V. R. Bulygin, E. M. Belyaeva
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №1(15), pp. 66-80
Sacrificial material for a core catcher based on high alumina cement and ceramic filler
A. A. Komlev, V. I. Almjashev, S. V. Bechta, V. B. Khabensky, V. S. Granovsky, V.V. Gusarov
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 52-70
Interaction of metal melt of two-liquid corium and reactor vessel steel
A. A. Sulatsky, V. B. Khabensky, V. I. Almyashev, V. S. Granovsky, E. V. Krushinov, S. A. Vitol, S. Yu. Kotova, E. V. Shevchenko, E. K. Kalyago, B. O. Raba, M. B. Sulatskaya
High temperature, 2019, vol. 57, № 5, pp. 702-712
I.A. Byrkov, A.V. Ipatov, V.A. Korchagin, D.V. Lialiuev, D.B. Tepliakov
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 26-33
D. I. Trigubov, K. P. Pukalov, A. L. Dmitriev, I. V. Ushatinsky, I. E. Batyagin
Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 93-95