

Outlook of district heating nuclear power plants in Russia

A.Ya. Blagoveshchensky, L.B. Gusev

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 13-20

Preparation and verification of a model for calculating the neutron characteristics of fast neutron spectrum gas cooled reactor cores

V.G. Artemov, A.S. Ivanov, P.A. Miheyev, N.S. Nersesian

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 29-39

KORSAR/CFD calculations of condensate plug mixing processes after start of circulation pump in VVER-1000 model at “OKB GIDROPRESS” test facility

Yu.V. Yudov, S.N. Rumyantsev, S.S. Chepilko, D.S. Kasterin

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 40-53

USiO4 stability analysis

V.I. Almjashev, V.V. Gusarov, V.B.Khabensky

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 80-97

A numerical investigation in the behavior of coolant fl ow radially injected into the VVER reactor annulus via a pipe

Yu.V. Yudov, S.N. Rumyantsev, S.S. Chepilko

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №3(21), pp. 32-41

Modular membrane-sorption plant for preparation of high-purity coolant water for nuclear power plants

V.А. Vasilenko, V.N. Epimahov, I.V. Miroshnichenko, О.Yu. Pyhteev

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №3(21), pp. 42-52

Study of fission products release from corium melt

S.V. Bechta, E.V. Krushinov, S.A. Vitol, V.B. Khabensky, S.Yu. Kotova, A.A. Sulatsky, V.I. Almjashev, V.V. Gusarov, V.V. Bezlepkin

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №1(19), pp. 54-73

Implementation stages of natural circulation for cooling down naval reactor plants

A.Ya. Blagoveshchensky, L.B. Gusev

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 9-18

Simulation of control rod worth experiments on a fast critical assembly facility

V.G. Artemov, L.M. Artemova, R.E. Zinatullin, A.S. Karpov, N.S. Nersesian

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 27-40

Analysis and evaluation of Groeneveld-Stewart correlation uncertainty in calculation of minimum wall wetting temperature

A.S. Gritsai

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 41-53

Development of procedures for fuel clad failure monitoring during testing of naval nuclear propulsion reactors

R.V. Fomenkov, A.V. Piskaryov, A.S. Ivanov, V.A. Nagishev, S.G. Mysik

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №2(20), pp. 54-64

Boundary conditions in surface harmonics method

A.V. Elshin

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 14-25

KORSAR/CFD calculations of coolant mixing processes with different number of pumps in operation in the VVER-1000 reactor model at the four-loop test facility of OKB “GIDROPRESS”

Yu.V. Yudov, S.N. Rumyantsev, S.S. Chepilko

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 26-41

Decommissioning of experimental installations used to test technologies for radwaste management at naval reactor facilities

A.M. Alyoshin, A.A. Afanasyev, A.A. Zmitrodan

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 42-54

Studies carried out at the «Rasplav» platform of severe accidents research department of FSUE «Alexandrov NITI»

V.I. Almjashev, V.B.Khabensky, E.V.Krushinov, S.A.Vitol, A.A. Sulatsky, E.V. Shevchenko

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2020, №4(22), pp. 69-89


Three-dimensional simulation of a VVER-1000 reactor’s pressure chamber in the modes with asymmetrical loop operation using a KORSAR/CFD computation code

Yu.V. Yudov, I.G. Petkevich, V.G. Artemov, D.S. Kasterin, S.N. Rumуantsev

Thermal engineering, 2019, №11, pp. 91-101

Assessing the uncertainty of closure relations in thermal-hydraulic models using separate-effects tests

A. S. Gritsai, Yu.A. Migrov

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 9-20

Operating experience of vacuum drainage system of RBMK 1000 SNF casks during the transfer to dry cask storage

V. K. Efimov, T. B. Malikov, Yu. A. Migrov, M. O. Potapkin, V. N. Simonov

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 18-25

Compilation of 1D and 3D thermal-hydraulic models in KORSAR/CFD computation code

Yu. V. Yudov, I. G. Danilov, S. S. Chepilko, D. S. Kasterin

Mathematical simulation of physical processes, 2019, №1, pp. 57-68

Methodology for creating diagnostic systems in nuclear industry

A. M. Pankin

Engineering and automation problems, 2019, №1, pp. 133-138

Numerical simulation of differential control rod worth measurements

V. G. Artemov, D. Yu. Bessonov, D. N. Zhukovsky

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 9-16

Influence of structural materials on thermal destruction of organosilicon coolant (FM 1 liquid)

I. M. Yasnev, V. S. Gurskiy

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №1(15), pp. 56-65

From rapid radiochemical analysis towards on-board LRW treatment technologies

V. N. Epimahov, L. N. Moskvin

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 63-79

Development of ion chromatography method for analysis of coolant water in nuclear power facilities

L. N. Moskvin, V. S. Gursky

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 71-76

Results of studies and life test of Russian-made monodisperse nuclear-grade ionites

A. V. Zhizhin, I. N. Zakolodnyi, A. A. Zmitrodan, S. N. Orlov, Yu. V. Tsapko, A. V. Luzakov, D. S. Urtenov, G. P. Shovikov, K. A. Vagin

Atomic energy, 2019, vol. 126, №2, pp. 87-91

The results of experimental trial of an automated complex for analytical monitoring of ion content in aqueous media of NPP condensate-feeding system (KAISSA)

N. Ya. Vilkov, S. V. Blinov, А. А. Petuhov, А. V. Zhizhin

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 34-49

Influence of hydrazine dosing on the efficiency of corrosion products removal from the primary coolant of a naval reactor plant

S. N. Orlov, А. А. Zmitrodan

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №3(17), pp. 26-33

High gradient magnetic filters for separation of corrosion products from coolant water

B. A. Gusev, L. N. Moskvin

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 66-80

Development and application of a technology for decontamination of piping and equipment of land-based prototypes of naval nuclear reactor plants

A. M. Aleshin, A. A. Zmitrodan, V. V. Krivobokov

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 34-49

Analysis of natural and anthropogenic contributors to ambient equivalent dose rate of photon radiation at FSUE «Alexandrov NITI» site

E. B. Pankina, M. P. Glukhova

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 50-65

Experimental study of the influence of molten pool structure and surface oxidic crust on the molten corium oxidation kinetic

A. A. Sulatsky, V. B. Khabensky, V. S. Granovsky, V. I. Almjashev, E. V. Krushinov, E. V. Shevchenko, S. A. Vitol, S. Yu. Kotova, E. K. Kalyago, Е.Б. Шуваева, V. R. Bulygin, E. M. Belyaeva

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №1(15), pp. 66-80

Sacrificial material for a core catcher based on high alumina cement and ceramic filler

A. A. Komlev, V. I. Almjashev, S. V. Bechta, V. B. Khabensky, V. S. Granovsky, V.V. Gusarov

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 52-70

Interaction of metal melt of two-liquid corium and reactor vessel steel

A. A. Sulatsky, V. B. Khabensky, V. I. Almyashev, V. S. Granovsky, E. V. Krushinov, S. A. Vitol, S. Yu. Kotova, E. V. Shevchenko, E. K. Kalyago, B. O. Raba, M. B. Sulatskaya

High temperature, 2019, vol. 57, № 5, pp. 702-712

Full-scope and functional training simulators for operational personnel of Project 22220 multipurpose nuclear-powered icebreakers

I.A. Byrkov, A.V. Ipatov, V.A. Korchagin, D.V. Lialiuev, D.B. Tepliakov

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №4(18), pp. 26-33

Justification and experimental evidence for possibilities of operation of steam-generating plant of marine nuclear propulsion during the control rod failure

D. I. Trigubov, K. P. Pukalov, A. L. Dmitriev, I. V. Ushatinsky, I. E. Batyagin

Nuclear propulsion reactor plants. Life cycle management technologies, 2019, №2(16), pp. 93-95